My life my universe and things that came in my mind..
Terraform gcloud kubernetes first steps
before start you need gcloud setup and terraform setup as well you can follow my 2020 setup
Multiple gcloud accounts
Setup more than one account on gcloud , thanks to google this is a peace of cake
My development environment 2020
Recently I swith to Windows + wsl2, and it working pretty well for my python development, below my steps to setup “nearly perfect” windows + wsl2 setup.
Photoshop icon plugin
I was developing for ios and i needed to generate a bunch of images, so i found on internet a script for Photoshop that make things easy for us, first the plugin wasn’t set for updates sizes. i update the sizes and add the sizes for android as well the code is bellow
Player Netflix usando debian
Objetivo foi criar uma instalação linux leve para servir como player da netflix como a netflix recentemente addicionou suporte ao google chrome sem a nescessidade de instalação do silverlight da microsoft, resolvir usar uma mini instalação do debian como base.
software update on terminal Mac OSX
To Launch software update from terminal there is a single line command