My life my universe and things that came in my mind..
Install node.js npm on Mac OSX
If you have already intalled brew is a peace of cake, if not you can install here
Removendo google chrome completamente do mac
Quando apagamos o google chrome do mac, ficam arquivos de configuração e no google canary com os novos apps gmail, youtube e drive. Para apagar todos completamente devemos usar os seguintes comandos no terminal.
SGBDs e os grupos de usuarios
Os principais beneficios do uso dos Sistemas gerenciadores de banco de dados(SGBD) estão
Hide virtualbox instance on windows startup
I was using a windows as host from a virtualbox instance, so i decided to start this vm as the windows started but Always show a big screen from a bat launcher, search the web i found this program that convert bat to exe, so it solved my problem i share above the scripts os start and stop a hide virtualbox